Clutch Centre Peg Nut - T3

I’m thinking this is normal RH thread. Right?

Do you mean for the gearbox splined boss?

If yes, yes it is. However could be mega totally barsteward s0dding evil tight, mine was, needed an impact driver with a pegged ‘socket’ (a normal socket with four pegs welded on, that someone had previously made, and on that the pegs were bending! :open_mouth: )

Thanks Mike.

I have a box spanner with 4 pegs welded on. Gearbox is just back from Nigel but I’m trading up to a deep spline and just wanted to be sure before I went mad with it.

Make sure ALL the locking tabs on the tab washer are clear. (DAMHIK [Don’t Ask Me How I Know] :smiley: )