Possibly the wrong flasher unit voltage?
the most common reason for incorrect flashing rate is (A) either the wrong bulbs are fitted, but as they were working ok I presume before this issue came up it could be as Chris 950s says (B) wrong flasher unit voltage.
northwest2014-07-09 18:41:15
Flasher was supplied by Gutsibits for a G5. As speed was ok before maybe I’ll just try a cheap replacement.
I bought one from Halfords that has enough ampere rating to cope with four way flashers. The very cheap ones that cannot cope with powering four way flashers kept packing up.
All the best,
If not rated for 4-way hazards, then yes they would.
Maybe that is why they have two?
Did you buy one or two units?
Just one. Maybe I’ll try and disconnect other unit, don’t want to blow the one I’ve just replaced though.
Email sent with pdf copy of wiring diagram
Yes. As said the 2 original round ones in parallel, but only for bikes having hazard flashers. Is it only me that thinks it's simple.
Funny that the relays are at opposite ends of the engine. Went to halfords today, apparently they no longer sell relays at all !!
I was not clear enough in my post. My bike does not have 4 way hazard flashers. However I use a relay designed to cope with 4 way flashers because it can cope easily with the current. I am really surprised that Halfords do not have them anymore.
All the best,
Ah! So packing up even with just two indicator lamps. OK.
Replace nice new flasher unit with cheap hong kong import, flashing at correct speed now. Disconnected front flasher unit, it has 3 wires not 2 like one under side panel, didn’t affect indicators so will leave it off, guess thats the hazard flasher unit.
If it’s got three wires could be in, out, and earth. (?)
Flashers that can also do hazard tend to do it all from the same single output.