Seat re coverers .

Looking for someone to re cover my Cali 1100i seat after it has been re shaped .
I doubt that a standard seat cover will fit now that I have “leveled” it off to take the curve out .

Dunno where in the world you are but Don Spada may be along soon…he has a good seat man…

I’m getting a custom cover made shortly by a local upholsterer. He does have some bikes himself it turns out, so confidence high. I will update when it’s done.
Who is slicing your foam? Can they adjust the cover too?

I’ve just had my seat recovered by G A Wells in Shepshed, Leicestershire.
I bought a cover for for a V50 from Moretti Covers and got G A Wells to fit it as it needed to be modified it to fit my spada.
They have done plenty of bikes and do a great job.
G A Wells Brooke Street Shepshed 01509 504700
Here’s a king and queen job they did for a mate on his Cali 3

I am located between Aberdeen and Inverness.
Re shaping , I found that a very course flap disc on my 115 mm angle grinder carves the foam well ,but it does require a very steady hand .

One of those electric carving knives everyone has in the back of a kitchen cupboard, unused since 1988, are good for trimming foam.

Your right there Don, been using the Mrs one for some time now, adds a nice flavour to the beef :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks for that , spoke to them this morning ,will be posting off my seat when I find the correct address .
I have
G A Wells
Brooke street
LE129RG .
The chap spoke to this morning told me to use LE129RG , I foolishly thought that I could find the address from the post code ,not so .
Is there a Brooke street no ? looking up on t internet shows some derelict looking shop and cafe .

Hiya Lee I have replied to your PM, but for anyone else, they have moved fairly recently and are at Unit 1 Kenway, Brooke Street, Shepshed, Leic’s, LE12 9RG Tel 01509 504700. ,
The derelict shop and cafe was the old place!