V65 (1989) not starting from cold

Hi Jonnie

Nice to get a result and thanks for letting me know. As for the Primary Terminals, with electronic/digital ignition, generally it makes no difference which way round they go.

There shouldn’t be any difference to the Spark with Resistor/non Resistor Caps. I wonder, are you using Resistor Plugs as well as Resistor Caps. Typically you should be using a BP7ES Plug, NOT a BPR7ES and a NGK LB05F Plug cap. The Resistor in the Cap is for Radio Interference so if you are using non Resistor Caps your neighbours TV will go crazy when you start the bike , exagerating slightly!!!

Let me know how you get on.

Regards, Nik

They are both connected by a second wire so it make no difference.

Jonnie, is your model electronic ignition or points?

Hi, thanks for your response. It’s got the Motoplat electronic ignition, original fitment I presume. Jonnie

From what I can understand the wiring diagram is similar to the V35III, I am struggling to find a workshop manual with a wiring diagram in it to check though.

Thanks Chris for trying to find a wiring diagram. Fitting the pair of new coils, plug caps and plugs seems to have cured the non-starting from cold problem. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed advice on this topic, I really appreciate your help.