1200s fork tops

About to do the fork oil seals, downloaded the manual and searched on line the procedure for doing them, the problem is that my fork tops are different from the manual and what I’ve seen on line, anyone know how to take this type of fork apart?

I think you will find these are plastic caps and the fork tops are underneath.

These are made from aluminium and are the adjusters,
I don’t want to lever anything off until I know for sure how it’s done, :+1:
Cheers Phil

Is your bike a 2 valve version then?

Been doing more seaching but getting nowhere…

Sorry I can’t help.

You have helped by replying :+1:

Had a thought, if you raise a fork leg through the yokes (triple tree) you may be able to see how it’s connected.

I am assuming you can’t drop the leg

Will take it to pieces next week , apparently it is a push on part, (confirmed by a Bloke with the same model of bike):saluting_face::+1:

Yeah these tops are push fit, a little twist and electrical screwdriver should help get them off

The tops also had me confused, they are a push fit with a rubber o ring for a friction hold, just twist them out.

Sorted, thanks all for all the pointers :saluting_face:

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