2022 V7 850 special Petrol tank removal

Hi , Can someone talk me through removing the petrol tank of my 850 special please ?
thanks Derek

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Hi, obviously this is for the V85 but the video may show some hints and tips. I’ve not removed mine yet but usually they are only held on by one bolt at the base by the seat. I’ve removed quite a few over the years and the only advice I would try and impress on you is make sure the tank is as empty as possible. Makes it so much easier. I will have a look see if I can find a better video for you but this should be good for a start.


Agree with Bazzer, it’s mostly common sense.
Remove the seat, undo the bolt at the base of the tank, lift a little to see what wires/pipes need removing, disconnect those (disconnecting the fuel pipe shouldn’t result in it emptying its contents), then with it lifted slightly from the rear wiggle the tank a bit side to side while pulling gently backwards (the front will likely sit on rubber bungs either side of the frame).
One thing I’d add is prepare an area to set the tank down before you lift it off… I use some old sheets/pillows to place it on a bench safely.
Surprising how your brain gets all the ducks in a row when removing, then all of a sudden when it’s in your arms… heck where am I gonna put it.!
(Or is that just me.? :grin:).


Thanks to both of you …I watched the video , on the 85t the fuel connection is in a " sensible place " , easy to get at and you can see what you’re doing ! , unlike the special where it’s hidden underneath ! My concern is the disconnecting of the fuel connector , dose it have the same type as the 85t ? ie. do you have to push the yellow clip sideways and then squeeze and pull ?? Yes I realise it’s best to have as little fuel in the tank as possible which is a bit difficult to judge without a fuel gauge and you only find out how much/heavy it is when you go to lift it off !

My 2010 V7 has the push fit connector so I’d assume your newer one will too.
Bit of a fiddle the first time you use em, but they make life much easier and with no spills.
On some bikes I’ve used a suitably sized bit of wood to hold the tank up while I reach under for the wiring etc.


This is from the V7 workshop manual
fuel tank removal.pdf (836.9 KB)


Thanks KO and Geoff … its just being "aware " before you have a loose fuel tank in your hands and you get a connector like the one in the video ! I know it’s always easier the second time !