750 Breva ie

Hi all, does anyone know the thickness of a new clutch friction plate for the Breva 750 ie? Part number is GU32084410. It was also used on the Nevada range. A friend has had one re-lined and is having difficulties getting it to disengage when pulling the lever. The thickness is 8mm which I suspect is too thick. I’ve read through Guzziology and it suggests that later small blocks had the new thickness reduced from 8mm to 7mm. Many thanks in advance, Phil

why would you have a clutch plate re lined ? the spline and the springs will be worn ?
you could try adjusting the end float on the operating arm on the gearbox, possibly there is not enough movement left, if it was set up for a worn clutch plate ?

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So I assume you don’t know the thickness of a new plate!

no I dont, because I pay a skilled and very competent motorcycle technician to look after my machine, and he only fits O/E components , 22 years and the only breakdowns i have had on my many trips, are those awful Valeo starter motors

Good for you Raphael. Unfortunately we don’t all live in areas fully supported by agents, non original parts suppliers and mechanics we can pay to do work for us. We have to be a little more self sufficient, inventive and reliant on our own skills and experience. The reason for asking the question about the thickness of the original new condition clutch plate is to allow us to keep our motorcycle running under circumstances of none of the luxuries you have in the UK. All the best, Phil

This is a UK club !!, perhaps you need to try some one in the country that you are residing in ?
I dont have a guzzi agent near me, and my technician Antonio is a 55 minute ride away, Piaggio spares are worldwide, unless you are in deepest darkest umbongo or some other place without normal communications , and I am not by any chance well off, I am a retired skilled tradesman, but I am too poor to waste money, seen enough DIY electrical jobs that I had to put right, so not saving the clients any money at all, they are nice motorcycles, so I dont object to paying for skilled labour, I grew up in an engineering background, my father a toolmaker,most of my Uncles were either motor or motorcycle engineers, but I learnt my limits, especially after buying British Motorcycles that had been messed around with or tinkered with, after that I only bought machines that had been professionally maintained, and that allowed me to travel without breakdowns, one machine I bought a Tiger 100 had been tinkered with by an idiot who read all the magazines, modified it and messed it about, after the final breakdown , I got off, opened the fuel taps and light a match and torched the damm thing, catharsis !, after that I bought a Honda !!

If you join the Breva 750 owners club or group on facebook, they have the factory manuals online, you should be able to find the min and max thickness on there

Hi Raphael, the suggestion of joining the Breva group on Facebook is a good one. Thanks for that. Cheers Phil

I did have all of the PDFs from the factory on my old PC, but while I was away in Hospital, my family bought me a new one with windows 10 , and its been lost in the changeover
I much preferred windows 7 and would have kept that in the workshop, but they re cycled It !!

if I seem a bit curt sometimes, its a life time of dealing with idiots for a living !! and putting right their mess ups
plus the Chemo makes me a bit insensitive, I have a get out of jail free card from the hospital though , so its not all bad
nor ridden my Guzzi since the Lord Mayors show last November, and dont feel up to it yet mentally
perhaps next year
, after a succession of BMWs most of them used for business, and clocking big miles I changed to the Guzzi, I hate change and a bit OCD so I tend to keep my machines a long while and keep them maintained , perhaps next year a trip across the water beckons, after they have sorted all of this rank stupidity about passports and stuff

Hi Raphael. I’ve searched Facebook for the 750 Breva group but had no luck. I’ve also tried general “Breva” which would cover both the small and big block versions but, again, with no success. Could you please let me have the title of the group you belong to? Thanks in advance, Phil

its called
we love breva 750
this should be a direct link, unless this website removes it


Phil You should find the workshop manual for the 750 Breva in the Guzzitek website
