Air filter fitting.

Thanks Fletch, I hadn’t been on the forum for a while. Looking at your pic I see you had “shortened” the filter.
I have done this myself as well now. It’s much better, cheers.

Now that’s interesting; mine is reassembled exactly as I found it… where did you shorten it?, so if mine has been shortened, then pre my owning. The filter element in my picture looked ancient and replacement from Gutsibits went straight in. The 1st Part of a long journey, documented on here to get the mixtures correct.

I had a shed load more pics when I dismantled it, Dec 2021, else I’d never have got it back together… problem is I then deleted them… else I could shed a lot more light… Sorry!!, the only mod I did was add a nut on the end to hold it together whilst wiggling back in, else it all comes apart again.

Yes, the pics would have been useful but never mind. The filter I took out when I dismantled the housing was cylindrical where as the new one I bought was conical. I squashed it to make it push out in the middle and I was then able to use the nut on the intake end to pull it all together. It seems to be sealing ok.
Pete, the guy who sells on ebay said to stick with the original set up so I’ll give it a go.
Main problem for me is re-wiring. Not my strong point.

You can get lots of advice on the forum! :+1:

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I don’t suppose anyones coming to Cornwall on their holiday?


Funny you should say that, it is Karen’s favourite destination and somewhere we would both like to move to, but both of our mothers are in Essex and need us about.

We will be in Truro in April, but that is a while yet! :+1:

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Work started on the wiring yesterday and much was achieved in an afternoon.
Unfortunately, the loom I have is a mixture of Mk1 and Mk3 but luckily my friend knows what he’s doing as I wouldn’t have a danny.
All being well it will be running in the not too distant future.
Let me know if you come to Cornwall :+1:


Who is Danny? :roll_eyes:

Danny (la Rue)=clue :laughing:

You Londoners are so mysterious! :roll_eyes:

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Born in London, brought up in west Midlands, living in Cornwall :rofl:


I come from Kent and we call it a Didgeridoo (not a clue).

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