Aluminium tank

Dear All,
There was an article a year or so ago about someone having an aluminium tank made for what I seem to remember was a V11 sport because of the plastic tank distorting. Can anyone remember details about this or what issue of Gambalunga it was?

Thanks in advance -


Hi It was in the march -april 1015 issue, the company involved was mcs-engineering in Colchester

Martin, Are you looking to place an order? Not got a problem myself yet, but interested.

Possibly… My tank has stretched a bit and with ethanol eating the tank could be a real issue I’m looking at alternatives. Recently had the throttle bodies off and a thick melted plastic residue needed scraping and chipping off from them and the inlet stubs.

All best


Well please keep me looped in.

Is yours one of the latter ones with the fuel pump inside the tanks?

No, my is a MK1 so external pump. Thanks.

Mine is the external too, but with the long frame. I don’t know if the tanks are the same?