Assistance from the club

As a long term member, ( around 20 years I think) I would like to ask if the club, with all if its very intelligent people, could do something different for the members, here goes

some years back it was mooted that a charge or levy would be placed on stinky smelly vehicles entering the City of London, for myself I could not find fault with it, I often visit the City on family business, but having 5 seats in my car, I find it pointless driving into London with only the drivers seat occupied ( unlike the Range Rover set)
I usually drove down in winter, or rode the Guzzi and left it at my parents house, then caught the train in

later on the emissions area was extended, again no bother for me as I avoided it
however when Mayor Khan increased this area to cover the suburbs, and then reduced the overall speed limit to 20MPH I was a trifle vexed
so I contacted TFL , sent them copies of articles stating that my 2003 Breva was Euro 3 compliant, and sent photos of the catalytic converter and its markings
they could not have been less interested !
they told me to either ride into London paying 15 quid for the privilege and pay a specialist test centre 200 pounds to supply a certificate, or pay a similar sum to Piaggio for a certificate

now if I had a 2007 model it would be no problem, even though its the same machine

the cost is now 25 pounds a day, so frankly they can stick it where the sun dont shine, and I will take my stinky high mileage diesel car, and do battle with the SUV brigade instead, plus I can take a family member along for the trip ( it averages 70mpg anyway)
in the area that my parents live in, their were a great many quality , but older well maintained cars, that were parked all week, and just used at weekends, one of my friends has a lovely old Porsche, he commutes to the City on a bicycle, or the train in bad weather, he was most annoyed to find that if he drove along the road it was going to cost him 15, now 25 quid, and at 20MPH
a Porsche is not very efficient at that speed, and needs to be revved hard
oddly he took it to his specialist, and they tested the emissions and found it was well below the limits imposed by TFL
so it went to a specialist test centre and passed, and now he drives it much more often to stick two fingers up at the mayor

ps Mayor Khan is driven around with two armed bodyguards, in a 5 tonne bulletproof Range Rover Sentinel 5 litre with bullet proof doors and glass , and floor, and air supply system
I wonder what the fuel consumption is on that tank
and costing 300K

Pot Kettle Black

So how about the club making some representation to the goons at TFL , and getting all of the Euro 3 registered machines put on the system, after all if one is done, why does this not apply to every other model in the range
The Italians were very organised in making sure that from the Millenium all vehicles were Euro 3 compliant, and all the smelly old heaps were taken off the road, or rebuilt to a high standard and fitted with a certificate to indicate the work

I am aware that a few people have removed their Catalytic converters, so they should be excluded

TFL is a vast money making concern, and has done little to reduce emissions in London, a few weeks ago I visited and used the early morning coach, and the vast majority of vehicles on the road, had one person in them, and seemed to be fitted with large engines as well
It would be nice to be able to visit my elderly father and cut through the endless lines of SUVs and 4 WDs and big High end cars taking up the roads

So can the club Hierarchy organise something, perhaps with the assistance of Piaggio

Before purchasing the Breva, I had owned an older well maintained BMW R80RT, partly for sentimental reasons I decided to sell it, and looked at buying a Neuvo Falcone from the vast fleet that was being released from storage, but decided that for reliability and emissions Euro 3 compliant would be better
had i have kept the R80, or purchased the Falcone, I could have ridden through London without a problem !!!

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Complete waste of time. As far as I’m aware MAG have been trying to raise awareness of the benefits of powered two wheelers in reducing Londons congestion for years, to no avail with TFL. Private transport is just a cash cow to be milked. If you want to avoid such charges I suggest you purchase a historic vehicle that’s more than 40 years old and therefore exempt from these charges. I’d suggest a 1983 Land Rover Defender V8 and stick 2 fingers up to TFL. You won’t even need to MOT it
I escaped from London (Greenwich) in 1993 to sleepy Derbyshire. Wild horses or a huge pile of loot wouldn’t drag me there now. If I do need to travel there on family business I now travel by train, it’s like the Wild West on the roads & I’d rather avoid the stress & hassle of the numerous lunatics many I suspect being unlicensed & uninsured


Try the ULEZ test station Edward Place Deptford. Only pay if your bike passes. My son took his 2002 Yamaha FZ600 there and it sailed through. Sure it was IRO £170 but if they are the rules it’s what has to be done if you want to ride your bike.


I have a Morris Oxide, its slow and very heavy, as soon as its finished its going to london to annoy the Audi Brigade, the bumpers wreak havoc on modern cars , so any one that gets stroppy will get a gentle reminder to back off
25mpg as well yay


^^ Excellent! :laughing:

Earlier this year, I got all that TFL crap for my beemer. I got copies of the documents needed- (V5 scan) and a certificate of conformity (COC) from BMW (no charge) and submitted a challenge to TFL refusal. You DO NOT have to use the ÂŁ200 specialist to test your bike. Check your bike on TFL, if it says no good there is a link to challenge, then email your docs to them. Mine took 10 days to clear. Total cost was zero, took about a month all told
Hope this helps


I think the problem is that I have to pay for a certificate of conformity, thats why I as asking if the club, could get involved and help out, its often easier dealing with authorities when you have the backing of a few thousand members

TFL will not transfer documents. Every single BWW 1150 has to provide proof for each bike, regardless of how many certified 1150’s are allowed. When I applied to BMW I sent them a copy of my V5. The COC came back WITH my reg and engine number. That is what TFL accepted as it was on BMW headed paper. If the NOX is already stated on the V5, TFL must accept it. The COC comes from the manufacturer not from clubs. Hope that helps. You could try Guzzi customer (may not) care 0800 122 33700. Number from Guzz website so not my fault if it does not work
NB my beemer is Euro 1 but the NOX is lower than specified.
Screenshot 2024-11-26 at 17.30.07

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Very helpful background information

Nb I removed the “1” from euro 1 then rescanned it for them just in case, but they did say only interested on NOX

This may be useful for the COC if you have not found anything yet. As the certificate should have been provided to the first customer, it may be worth looking through your paperwork in case you already have it.

then gives Documentation's Request Form
They seem to want 160Euro but still cheaper than the garages that want ÂŁ200 to test and then only good for TFL and nowhere else.