Batteries for moto guzzis.

I started motorcycling with a T3 about 45 years ago. I recall that when the battery needed replacing, someone recommended usung a Ford Escort Battery. This fitted in well but the tooltray had to be left out. Is this still recommended?

There are better gel batteries on the market these days, I too use an Escort battery as they were cheap. Trouble I had someone tried to move my bike in a pub car park and dropped it. First I knew was when my jeans started to rot from the acid!

When I get back to my computer I’ll put some links up. Chris

Been there. Discarded the tool tray. Now realise I could sell the tool tray for two batteries ! I now use lead free (AGM?) from Gutsibits (other dealers available), and in my case they’ve done the job.

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I use an AGM battery on my Spada. They are quite a bit smaller than the old lead acid ones and, as they are sealed. they don’t vent nasty fumes or leak acid.
I get mine from a local company, the Battery Store in Market Harborough. Tanya are also offer very good service mail order.
I have used leisure type batteries from ride on lawn mowers and golf carts in the past. Have a word with your local garden machinery company.

Thanks to all of you who answered my question about batteries. Although I don’t need to replace mine yet the answers are useful and I have made a note for when I do.

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Didn’t realise the tooltrays were so sought after. I just gave mine away to Simon D , doh!

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schoolboy error!

I’ve also used Tanya many times over the years, consistently good value and quick delivery.

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Can you tell me tge exact make of battery you use, im after one for my spada. Also have you had the head upgraded for unleaded fuel. Cheers

My Spada has never had any work to the heads. Opinion is that it is not needed.
For batteries, I have a local battery store in my town and so use them, but this one from Tanya looks about right - Check the width and terminal orientation first

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