Best tank bags with map windows for T3 + Le Mans 1

My brother and I plan to tour Germany on a T3 and a Le Mans Mk1. Would welcome knowing which tank bags (medium sized) work best for them. Thank you!

I find most modern tank bags to be terrible for having a decent map pocket. An expensive option is a baglux tank cover and tank bag. The bags appear on eBay often, the covers not so much.
Good luck

Thank you Gino

I use an Oxford Sports magentic tank bag (X40 I think) and that has a good map window. Still easy to reach the bars - operating the ignition key is the only tricky part!

Thanks Martin. That looks just the job. Thank you!
PS Lovely bike too!

PS. What tail bag unit are you using?

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face: Tail pack is a cheap Oxford thing that’s at least 20 years old - small but handy. Both contained all my gear for a week at the TT last year, rucksack was only to put helmet in on the ferry.

Thank you! What a great bike to go to the TT on. Thanks again.