Bevel box vent

The filler plug on my Le Mans bevel box has had a copper tube brazed in. this is a simple through tube and I can’t see what it does, apart form risk of letting rainwater straight in to the bevel box !

None of my prior Le Mans have had a vent here - is the necessary or do I simply machine out the tube and re-solder it closed ?


Short piece of u-shaped rubber hose will do the job. Unless you cross deep water:)

user mod, comes in various guises. some people believe that the bevel box needs a breather. leave it and use rubber tube, as suggested, to prevent water ingress. or revert to standard.

Completely un-necessary and can lead to ingress of water etc. Replace it with the original item. I have several on the shelf. Big Block Driveboxes can breath thru the Pinnion Bearing into the Swingarm.

Regards, Nik



Thanks - Simple enough to seal it back up.

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looking at the end of the tube which is cleaner, it makes sense that it once had a rubber tube on it. I agree with Nik, it is a route for water ingress and worth blocking or replacing.