Branch Meeting/Lunch this Saturday

Well the first two Branch meetings varied a bit. There was a nice little turnout at the first one of the year, but the April meet was pretty slimmed down with just myself and Pete D present. However, we had good conversation and I had a lovely meal, and much information was passed across based on Petes years of wisdom! The weather is set for drizzle on Saturday but I will be there and I hope you can be there too. I also hope to get a few non club member Guzzi riders to come along - I’m working on them :slight_smile:

Hello SScotty, I’ve just got a Moto Guzzi V9 Roamer. Taxed it today and the insurance begins tomorrow. Where do you have your (exclusive!) branch meetings? I live in the South Hams.

Hi Nico, great to have you in the Guzzi family. The meetings are held at The Avon Inn at Avonwick between Totnes and South Brent. Start about 12 noon. Good food is available. Decent seating on the area outside the pub, and good parking. Unfortunately I wont be at this month as I am in Australia visiting my very ill mother. I’m there every other time though!

There are quite a few Guzzi folk in the South Hams…I need to get them in the club andxslong to the meetings…then we coukd plan rideouts etc…

All the best,


Hello Scott,
Sorry to hear about your mother. I thought it was hard enough driving up to Lancashire to visit my father when he was very ill. But that’s nothing compared with Australia!
You live in Wembury - so that makes two of us. When do you get back? There are various things I’d like to ask you about Guzzi ownership round here. For instance, where is the nearest authorised Guzzi dealer? Is it SP Motorcycles in Exeter?
My email address is:
If you drop me a line by email, it means I won’t have to log on the this site to see if I have a message from you. I look forward to meeting you on your return.

Ride safe,

Nicholas Whitehead (Nico)