Bristol/Bath meetings

See you Wednesday, Barney :+1:

Mal_W have you thought about putting some contact details for the Bristol/Bath branch in the Gambalunga magazine? We might get a bigger take up if we have regular meet ups?

Guys, This meet up is not the Bristol/Bath Branch. Just a four people who are in the same area having a first meet up. What comes out of that is in the future :thinking: and remains an unknown.

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Hi Guys,
Looking a little wintry at the moment but should improve. I am still intending to be at Attwoolls at 1030 tomorrow so I will see you there if you can make it

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Weโ€™re still intending to be there Mal. My number is now shared.

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Cheers Barney. I will message you with mine. Best to take your number off now.

Did you guys make the meet up? It was certainly a chilly one.

Yes we made it.
And it was cool enough that we avoid the very interesting roads.
Thinking of meeting at Baffle Haus in Dec if the weather is good enough to enjoy the ride :hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed:

Hi Mike,
Yes, Barney, John & I enjoyed chatting & several cups of coffee/tea before hitting the road to go our separate ways. Hopefully we should be able to meet up again in a couple of weeks, perhaps the Silverfox Cafรฉ over at Newnham (on the A48). We will let you know.

I should be up for that.
Looking forward to it.

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