Buying a Guzzi as an investment

With interest rates so low. Which Guzzi’swould you buy as an investment say over 5 to 10 years? By the way it would have to be a useable one. For instance I purchased a BMW K1100 RS (high speed two up tourer) had it for 7 years put almost 30000 miles on it total 83k and sold it for 70 % more than what I paid. Nothing spent on it except servicing. I know it was a Beemer but it makes you think. There are so may beautiful Guzzi’s out there. For example the Daytona which a member has for sale at the moment umm lovely.

So it’s you who’s responsible for the asking price of old bikes going through the roof!!! Investment indeed…
Seriously, I think you’d have to go older than 5 to 10 years with a Guzzi. But saying that I sold my 2006 Griso for £1200 more than I paid for it.
In fact, thinking about it all the bikes I’ve sold on in the last ten years I’ve got more than I paid for them , including a LM1000, HD 1000 XLH Sportster, various BMW GS’s, plus numerous scooters.
What older riders with cash seem to be after these days is anything that pre dates all the emission regs, which basically means carbs. I for one won’t be buying another FI bike anytime soon…

daytona,sport 11000,1000s,falcone,T3,G5,spada,any loop

I remember having a K75 BMW in the 1980s when a rather loud chap in a suit stopped me at a petrol station and said he quite fancied buying a K series BMW “as an investment”, Funny sort of investment, I thought - buy a motorcycle because you like it, not to make money. I notice that things have changed a lot now, though.

Any round barrel Guzzi in original trim is increasing in value quite rapidly at the moment, although modified bikes seem to be lagging in comparison (says he whilst modifying one…). Good singles have been investable (is that a word?) for quite a while.

People invest in physical stuff when interest rates are low, as they are now, 'cos it’s not worth keeping it in the bank. That puts prices of classics up. As they say in the small print, though: “prices can go down as well as up” - you have been warned. Having said that I notice that in the hours since Boris Johnston has joined the No to Europe campaign the value of Sterling has been going down fast, so you can be pretty sure interest rates will not be rising until that mess is decided one way or another. Buy motorcycles now! (But be very careful where you get your investment advice from… :mrgreen: )

When I got a lump sum a few years ago I looked at Ducati 916s. Lovely to look at, nice for an occasional run and gong up in price.
Non-EFI are seen as more popular and yet EFI is getting ever easier to fix. May be an opportunity there.
Have fun

None of em !
And the Daytona is currently on ebay at 7600…can honestly say I have only bought 1 motorcycle as an investment…some we made on…some broke even…and some have lost…most we have enjoyed…
My Duke seems to be worth significantly more than I paid…but what bikes are advertised for and what they sell for can be 2 different things…am not sure that even property is as safe a bet as it was these days…
Guzzis’ ? If I had to come up with one…t’would be V7 Sport with the big drum…
Jap? Z900’s particularly Z1 and Z1B…

I’d have to disagree there Steve. There may be some truth in it at the moment, but where will the present EFI bikes, with all the control sensors etc be in another 20, 30, or even 40 years. On a bike all these relatively delicate electronics are subjected to a very harsh environment, and they’re not something owners can strip down and repair or bodge themselves when they stop working and replacements are no longer available. Plus, a laptop and correct software are required if any adjustments are needed.
I’ve kept points ignition on the Convert. I can set my ignition up with a nailfile, feeler gauges and a small radio…

Which are now common.

There are now OBD reader apps for your smart phone. So it won’t be long, if not already possible, in theory to stop in a lay-by, tweak some setting and then carry on.

So long as it aint pissin down eh Miko… :laughing:

A falcone would be a good investment
and would look nice in the living room
but the only thing I have ever invested in is my pension
and my classic car

Quite true, but I’m talking long term Mike. An electronics engineer I know tells me modern chips have a relatively short life, and most will degrade and give up the ghost within a decade. On the other hand, keep them lubricated, and mechanicals will last indefinitely.
Bikes (and cars) being built today are not designed for long term running, built-in obsolescence, with at most a 15 year life.

If I were to buy a Guzzi under the pretence of it being an investement, I’d choose one that I liked the look of and wanted to own and ride occasionally.

That way, it’s a win-win situation. If the price goes down, then you have a bike you always wanted and feel good. If it goes up, then you can have the bike you always wanted and feel smug.

However, keeping a decent classic in fine fettle isn’t cheap and to avoid risks to your investment, you would have to keep it unridden, in the dark, in an air-conditioned bubble and well insured etc. - not for me, thanks, and remember the £10K you spent on that Daytona back in 1993 is worth a lot more than £10K now.


PS I’s have a Griso in the dining room, though :slight_smile:

With the fact that if you want a Cali new you now need 15k-ish and a tough exterior (I sure couldn’t carry off that look) then the 1046 Calis of the past decades ought to hold up well.

No quite right I was thinking more in terms of a sunny day in May, playing with the settings on my bike one Saturday afternoon… :smiley:

May Mike…, it’s still snowing in Buxton till early June…

:laughing:…you ome yet Al ?..

It’s tuff oop North! :smiley: