California Fuel Pump

Hi, has anyone had the pain of getting one out of the tank?
Got the tank on the bench, but it looks like some one has been in before. The pipe the have used from the pump to the filter looks way to big and thus I can’t get it through the hole.
Is there a particular way of extracting the pump?
Thanks in advance, Andy

Andy, as the pump is in the tank I assume that this is a recent model and not a Tonti California?

Hi Chris
Yes it’s a Calli Vintage, after another 20 mins effort I managed to get it out. I am now considering putting the filter external of the tank to make it easier in the future.

Hi Andy, I agree with Dave Richardson’s comment in Guzziology that removing and refitting the Pump/Fuel Filter assembly is best done by two people, the second to hold the tank so that it doesn’t get damaged, either by slipping away or from getting beaten with a hammer in frustration. After the second time I renewed the Fuel Filter I decided to mount a Fuel Filter on the Frame. The job of getting the Fuel Pump (without the Filter attached) in and out the small oval tank opening is a doddle. I used the Fuel Filter from the earlier EV models as this has a more substantial filter casing which was designed for frame mounting. Some photos attached. I have more if you want them.

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Hi Roger
That looks a neat install, would have probably gone that way if I had realised there was that amount of room above the frame.
But after speaking to Baldrick made the decision to put it back in the tank.
Thanks for the pictures👍