Cassington 20mph Speed limit

This is likely not to greatly bother those MGCGB members who visit Cassington once a month, but be aware that there is a newly instigated 20mph limit throughout the whole village (was 30mph). In fact, for “Cassington” read “most of Oxfordshire” - the majority of 30mph limits have been revised to (and posted as) 20mph.

For owners of Guzzis with Veglia speedos, 20mph is adjacent to the needle stop.


that will no doubt annoy the owners of the vast SUVs and 4Wds that belt through the village !!
Jack ill be allright, nothing he owns ever goes faster than 20 knots !


I have to say, when sat enjoying a beer on the wrong day (for the MGCGB meet), the traffic did not seem noticeably slowed. Me, I was slow: i just set the throttle a fraction above stall and held it there!

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who is going to Police it ???

The local community speed watch of course… retired folk driven by a common purpose and high viz jackets :roll_eyes:


This particular village has far bigger ‘community concerns’ - well off-topic Guzzi-wise, but if you’re interested: Map 2 of 3


oh, lots of old people morbidly obese and with poor eyesight then !!
oh wait thats me

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In fact, for “Cassington” read “most of Oxfordshire”

Looked this up - indeed, it’s called The 20mph transformation programme, by Oxfordshire county council.
20 mph transformation programme

:frowning: re all of those spaces marked on the map “development areas”??

God help them

turning from posh village-suburbs to full blooded suburbs :frowning:

I thought the map said solar farms

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That is better for them.
I was reading it on my phone so hard to read the map lol