Convert 'Convert' to normal g/box

Is it a straight swop, i’m toying with doing this…
byteofthecherry2014-05-30 11:31:07

yes and no is the answer Guzzi bear did it on his as follows convert box out standard gearbox in easy to do then you need the UJ splitting in half as you need the front part to match the new gearbox and the rear half to match the convert drive shaft as different splines it does totally alter the gearing of the bike as well making it slow to pull off (Like using second gear all the time etc) kens just after 20 years swopped to a standard gearbox i sold him and now like the nippines of the bike

Thanks Ray…So I suppose might as well fit a ‘standard box/shaft/final drive’… take it that lot will just bolt on and use the existing swing arm…

yes need gearbox drive shaft and final drive as far as i know swing arm is the same cant help with parts as sold mine to ken

Classic Bike ran a series of articles about a chap building a Guzzi race bike replica. The most recent articles describes the reverse process i.e. swapping a manual for an auto box.
You would need to remove the associated ‘plumbing’ that supports the auto-box.
As Converts are one of the faster appreciating Guzzis it may be worth considering a sale/part ex.
All the best