Cruise Control question

I got my new TT last month and I’m really enjoying it. I‘ve not had much chance to use the cruise control yet as I’m still running it in and I don’t want to use any motorways. Also, I’ve not been able to find instructions for using the cruise control in the owner’s handbook.
However, yesterday I thought I would try it out, just using common sense ( :grin: ). It seems what I consider common sense isn’t good enough.
Can anybody here enlighten me please ?

I found this -
Guzzi Tech forums - cruise control question

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The cruise control instructions are definitely in the owners manual. However other than the gear/speed limits and how much you can exceed them, the simple answer is…

Hold cruise button until the flashing green LED is on, it’s ready.

Tap it again if you are at the speed you want, it maintains that speed.

Push up or down to change speed.

Short press to cancel, push forward on throttle to cancel, touch brake or clutch to cancel.

If cancelled, pressing up on cruise button resumes previous speed. Tapping it selects current speed.

Long press turns it’s off completely, LED off and no functions work until long press on.


Thanks Both. It was the long press to activate the cruise control that eluded me. I’ll be trying that out shortly.

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I have been playing with the cruise control today. I don’t know whether it’s a feature of my bike or whether this is common to all the TT’s but pressing the center of the Cruise Control button did not activate it. It only activates when I press the left-hand side of the switch. Once I had worked that out it was easy.

Thanks again.

Faulty or misaligned button then, the switch has centre press, up and down contacts, deliberately I imagine does not have left and right to stop you getting it confused with the indicator switch below.

Thanks Sid. First service is due next week. I’ll ask them to check it.

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I find the cruise switch (and the mode switch for that matter) very sensitive to sideways (up/down) movement when trying to long press it. Difficult to get a clean straight press, especially when the bike is moving.
Patience and practice!