I’m considering getting a dash-cam fitted to the V100 Mandello. I’ve never had a camera before and know very little about them so I’d appreciate help.
I am considering something for three purposes - 1) to capture ‘incidents’ in case of accident/near miss etc 2) to capture a day of riding when on tour in new places to share with family 3) to use when teaching to debrief another rider on how they handled a situation. So it needs a good long battery and needs to be ‘always on’ (so a dash-cam rather than an action camera as I understand it).
I am a bit concerned at a) the drain on the V100 battery - will it cope? b) the limited space to discreetly mount a camera on a v100 without attracting thieves when parked up. C) What makes and models to consider - this is all new to me and frankly I find the choices and terminology a bit bewildering!
A mate has the Innovv K7 which he’s delighted with and gets 12 hours recording at 2k picture quality from a 256Gb micro SD card, but the K7 is a pretty large unit and he has plenty of room to fit it discreetly on his BMW K1600 tourer, the V100 is less well endowed in that regard, so I suspect it’s not a good choice for my bike. I’ve seen the Innovv K6 is on a Black Friday deal at under £200 and it looks a lot smaller, but the SIM card will be c£50 and a Power Hub £55, so a lot of money to get it wrong.
Hi, I’ve read nothing but great reviews about the Innov 6 and Teapot 1 on YouTube did a comprehensive review a little while back. You don’t always need to get the largest card as it loops any how so a slightly smaller one will bring the cost down. I’ve found the 6 on Amazon for £186. I would think about cutting the wire before the fuse and then piggy back off a switched fuse which will negate the need for a power bank but please, there will be proper ‘sparks’ on here that may poo poo that so I would always listen to as much advice as possible. I’ve done it for my phone charger and not had any issues. Finally, the siting of the cameras. The rear can usually be hidden quite well and as the lenses rotate you can hopefully discretely put the front facing camera upside down under something like the yoke etc. good luck and it would be a great winter project to spend the time siting everything.
The only complaint is that it doesn’t use the same MP4 encoding as the Innov unit so you can’t get the gooogle maps overlay on the playback but it does display GPS coordinates, time, etc.
Easy (not VERY easy) to fit, display works with original TFT screen.
I have the Chigee AIO 5 as well it does the job.
According to TBW there is a cheaper option, visit his YouTube channel and check out his reviews. Also he offers a discount code, it brings the price down to about £140 pounds.
I’ve been using a simple battery version - Drift Ghost XL - 9hr battery life is absolutely spot on easily manages my daily riding activity and I can leave it running whilst the bike is parked if required for a a few hours, without fear of the bikes battery draining too much.
I use the same as Paulc911 but on my helmet. The cameras are discreet and don’t make you look like a Tellytubby like the GoPros do plus the battery life is excellent.