The handbook picture of the “TIME” display shows 13:49, but so far, I have not found a way to switch from the 12 hour to 24 hour clock. I thought it would be in the ‘clock setting’ process. Can anyone confirm that it is available and where / how to access it.
According to the information I’ve got, you can’t. 12 hour clock only. (I’ve got the V7 850 Special.)
That seems strange for a European bike, where 24h clocks are the norm.
Yes, but what seems most strange is that the handbook shows the 24 hour format.
Typographical error?
My small (but extremely thick) paper owner’s manual is next to useless, can’t even find any instructions how to set the clock, hence I’m using the V7 III manual I got off the web.
Call me crazy, but: commonly, advertising images for analog watches show the hands at (roughly) 10 to 2 (or 13:50, if you prefer). This long-standing advertising tradition has carried over to digital watches, with Apple (for example) showing images of their Apple Watches displaying the time as 10:10 … I’ll bet you the image of the V7 Stone digital clock is just some advertising nerd following what they think is ‘the advertising norm’.
No. Not you that is crazy.
The Handbook for the Stone’ display shows to time 13.49 Hower the words applicable to the clock :-
“Clock (shown in 12-hour format, without AM/PM indication);” ( direct copy - paste from the Handbbook) .
Probably Guzzenglish and means " the clock display is in 12 hour format and not as shown in the picture"
You may wonder why I am not happy with this. Since 1963 when I was 15 and first began work on the London Underground I have been used to the 24 hour clock. As a grumpy old Git I find the 12 hour clock just very annoying.
I hear you. Any digital clock display I acquire, I immediately adjust to 24 hour format.
My venerable T3 doesn’t (as standard) have a clock of any sort, so I added an accessory one (Oxford Products item, I think). Oddly, in this context, I find a 12-hour analog display perfectly readable (at a glance, obviously) although pretty much every other clock that I use regularly is 24hr digital. I simply wouldn’t dream of putting a digital diplay on the T3. Odd, eh? (o;