emergency help in europe

I just wondered if there was a register of members in Spain or France who might help in an emergency/

Not an answer to your question… but I usually swap insurance between Carole Nash and Mackenzie Hodgson (who are Carole Nash by another name) simply to take advantage of their ‘free’ euro cover.
Having had a pal who took a pretty innocuous tumble only to break his collarbone and get ‘stuck’ in France for a month however, it’d be a handy resource.
Access to tools, bike storage, and the benefits of ‘local knowledge’ would be a useful resource.
(In the meantime, if you get stuck in Grimsby let me know.!)

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The club used to issue a rescue register many years ago, but I assume that had to be discontinued due to Data Protection regulations.
Pete Morecombe from Guzzi Reboot, based in Brittany, did travel down to the Pyranees to rescue someone with a burnt out clutch an an old Guzzi Spada earlier this year. Service way beyond the call of duty.