Well I am am somewhat excited to say the least.
Just a quick observation, you are still using the old style bullet fuses, change them for the more modern type, easy job and far more reliable.
Regards Bob.
Yes indeedy… a spark of life

Ahhh, memories! 2009, analogue oil pressure gauge tie-wrapped to the bar and fuel poured to spare brake fluid reservoir, as a temporary tank during first trials. My favourite Guzzi ever since, still under my flag!
You see, this is why, even when common sense screams ‘No.!’, some people still choose to ride motorsickles.
Absolutely Brilliant
Love the sandals by the way…
Looks promising- keep going!
The smile says it all wonderful
You put me to shame Neil, my bike has been off the road for over 20 years and I am still sorting the wiring out!
It wasn’t my hand doing the re-wiring. A very old friend of mine who can turn his hand to anything has done pretty much all of the wiring with just a few easy bits where he told me what to do. It fired on weds, abeit on one cylinder only. Serious carb cleaning to be done now.