Fuel injection upgrade

I’d be interested in anyone’s experience of fitting this type of device…The snatchy slow speed response is becoming irritating…:smile:

Which bike are we talking about, Trev? Model specifics always help when asking for guidance.

All the ones i have seen work by distorting the inlet air temperature reading so the ECU thinks it is too cold and uses a richer part of the fuel injection map with longer injector pulses. It gets complicated because most fuel injection systems use one or two wide or narrow band lambda sensors in the exhaust to tell the ecu when the mixture is right. If these are showing unburnt fuel the ecu then shortens the length of the fuel pulse. So it may correct the booster effect back out or the two may ‘play well together’ and richen it up just enough.

As a result if anyone finds that a specific booster gadget works on a specific bike that is great news BUT if there is no specific experience with that booster and your bike it is just a gamble.

Thanks very much…:+1::slightly_smiling_face:

A V85 TT 2021…the daveret refers to a V85…

@Motoguzzitrev1 from what i have read on adv forum and elsewhere it is very important to have the latest map installed whether on E4 or E5.

i use the one made by mistral, with the exhaust system made by them, I’m happy with how the bike runs now.


Had my 85 Travel, ‘sorted’ by Hilltop at Hinckley. Best money I spent on it.

@John_Wiffen can you tell us what they did and how much?

A basic remap not dyno. Cost was a few years ago so can’t remember.

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Had my TT Travel remapped by Downend Scooters & Motorcycles in its annual service. No troubles since then.

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I had Downend Motorcycles & Scooters check and correct another dealer’s remapping (to correct a MIL light issue) but it also improved pick-up smoothness and acceleration