Hello everyone, i am new to the Club!
I just purchased a 2014 Griso SE which i will get delivered to me next week. It has a small blemish on the tank where it appears decals are peeling off.
Would anyone have any suggestion on how to fix it? Do they sell decals kits? Any recommendation on who can help me with this? I am based in East London.
This looks like they have torn due to tank expansion, apparently common on the GRiSO SE.
The nylon tank will expand by up to 10% when it adsorbs moisture imported to it by ethanol in the fuel.
When the tank fully dries out it will contract back making the gaps smaller and easier to cover up. The tank can be awkward to remove when it is swollen but almost impossible to replace the 4 bolts until it shrinks back.
I have managed to avoid this but been warned of it when i have owned bikes at risk (SuperDuke, Speed Triple and GRiSO). Apparently once a tank is affected it may require several weeks without H2O in to dry out. Also the GRiSO may be especially at risk because the pipe that drains rain water round the filler cap tends to block solid at the connector back of the tank and the water pours into the tank when the cap is opened. This drain blockage can sometimes be dissolved with vinegar or Coca Cola but often needs drilling out, lots about this on GRiSO Ghetto
For the future e5 fuel seems ok but e10 is bad.
You could have a go at a diy repair with pin stripe tape …check out Amazon for wide pin stripe tape …various colours of your choice if you fancy a change from black but obviously you’d need to do both sides.
Thanks both. I will inspect closer when I get the bike next week. I may have found the original tape stirpe/ decal. https://www.motoitalia.it/it/5983-ricambi-griso-griso-se-1200-8v-usa-cnd-2015-telaio-targhette-decalco-libretti?page=2
Does anyone have any suggestion on how to apply it? I would assume is not under clear coat, or is it?
No it used to sit on top of the paint