Guzzifest this weekend

Hi all will be coming up yo Guzzifest this weekend,unfortunately I can’t spend the weekend as I have family commitments, which day will be the best day to come,Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Hi Roy, If you are coming just for the day and not camping I would recommend Saturday as it is the only full day. We don’t start until Friday lunch time and folks will start leaving after Sunday breakfast. See you there Sue

Hi Sue
Thank you,see you all Saturday.

Hi .
As i am local to this event but have limited time ( very poorly family member). Is there any options for a visit Saturday or Sunday more than happy to pay .
Cheers Michael.

Thanks for the reply !!!

Sorry Michael,
The event started on the Friday lunchtime and folks, including myself were setting up on the thursday. I hope my previous reply on this thread helped. All the best Sue