I need some help i am trying to fit new knee rubbers pads to my t 3 callie i have got new brackets and new rubbers but I’m struggling to fit them the brackets bolt on to the rock boxs
It’s not terribly complicated, Paul. The pads (on brackets) simply curve around the rear of each rocker box, positioned where your knee might make contact with the rocker box cover. I might be able to get you a photo in daylight (which it is not now).
Remove one rocker box bolt at a time, position the bracket loosely. Be careful tightening the bolts - those threads can strip. “Right” is blindingly obvious, as is “wrong”. Tighten up completely when happy with the position.
As a side note, and bearing in mind that we’re all different shapes and sizes: I found that my knees hit the ‘knee protectors’ more than they ever hit the rocker box covers (o;
Re knee pads
I have them on my Tonti, but as the rear sets are so far back I have the guards set horizontally and not vertically (or the other way around). The rubbers are easier to fit if you remove the brackets, as Barry suggests. This is also a good time to touch up any paint damage or rust on the brackets as well as polishing the rocker covers.
what chris says and if the issue is in fitting the (new) rubbers to the brackets, plunging the wee bggrs in hot water will make them more flexible (potentially) and a glob of some sort of lube might help too. other than that, yup… they’re a tight fit.
Thanks for your message’s ill give it a go
I’m sure mine bolt to the inlet stub not the rocker covers, anyway what Barry has said is very true, try not to strip the threads with a heavy spanner hand.
of course they do… doh!