HOW to BLEED the brakes (linked)

Here we go you WILL need

Ring spanner for the bleed nipples
Plastic tube that fits tight over said nipples
A large syringe , cookery shop or chemist or brewing suppliers whatever
The correct brake fluid
preferably a helper
some cling film

take out all the old fluid, undo the bleed nipples and pump it out

Put ring spanner over nipple then take top off the master cyl resevoir and cover it with some cling film, a good idea to protect any paintwork as brake fluid IS corrosive

Fit the tube onto the syringe
Suck fluid into the syringe and fit the open end over the nipple
open nipple
gently and s l ow l y push the fluid up the brake line this gets rid of any ari whatsoever
as soon as the fluid appears in the mast cyl and covers the bottom lock off the nipple…job done
fill resevoir fit cap

therear takes a bit more patience but easy to do.

The older Brambo calipers can harbor air behind the piston this method atkes under a minute for front and 11/2 for rear and front easy simple and works every time IF it doesn’t suspect the seals in masy cyl OR nipples not seating…older ones can have crud in them new ones may not be the right shape.

Works every time easy so go for it.


Hi thanks for advice and have noted. Restoring 1980 v65 and has linked brembo master cyl… liquid comes from resevoir tube to master but constant pumping- no result at nipple end. Master Seals replaced by kit from Gutsibits. Help.
John Simon

I have found a brake bleeding device, which uses low air pressure to bleed the brakes a marvelous bit of kit. This device makes bleeding the linked brake system really simple. I have done this task on my 2001 Cali numerous times with the greatest of ease. one drawback, you have to get another reservoir cap and drill it to accept the junction to attach the device to.

Make sure the piston in the master cylinder can retract fully. When the brake pedal is at rest, there should be a tiny clearance between the actuating arm & the end of the piston.

Thanks , what is this kit. Also i have larger resevoir cap (ps 15?) than the one Gutsibits sold me (ps12?).
Will i need to drill myown cap or where can i buy the ps15s?

Hi, Gunson “eezibleed” I’ve had the Cali for 22 years now, so the kit is very old.
it comes with a selection of caps for cars, which never fitted.
as to your cap problems, you’ll have to drill the cap. I would source the correct cap, Ian at Gutsi bits, Pete at reboot, and drill the worst of the two.
the reverse flow method sounds interesting, if you can source the syringe and tubes. I may give it a go one day.
good luck with your endeavour!