Insurance Woes

Question on where you might find value and service from insurers…
I have just taken posession of a new V7 to add to my Norge and Cali 1100 and so set about getting quotes. I am in my 50’s live in a tidy bit of my town with no known crime and can’t get a quote for the V7 less than £700 for the year fully comp!! Garaged!
I am so tired of hearing people telling me they pay pennies when I am getting absolutely hammered on all three of mine.
Trying to work out what I am doing wrong. Anyone else have this problem?

Mine’s with Mackenzie Hogson, (who are part of Carole Nash so it includes ‘free’ Euro recovery) they allow up to four bikes on one policy I think, I’ve three currently, V7, Vstom650 and a DT175, though the newest is now ten years old, (room for another.??) and it’s comfortably less than £200 (I’m 61).
Have you checked sites like Moneysavingexpert to see if tweaking things like your job description and other details can make a difference.?
Legitimately renaming some things can make quite a change apparently.

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Thank you :pray:
Will check them out. Tweaked all I could within the realms of reasonableness. Nowhere close to your figure but half of what I was quoted earlier. :roll_eyes:

Footman James: V11 Coppa Italia; V11 Rosso Corsa; 2 x V11 Sports; Griso 8V; Yamaha MT01; VMax 1700; VMax 1200. £470. Garaged, sleepy Derbyshire. 62 years, 44 yrs riding experience; IAM passed. I’ve just renewed 2 weeks ago. Not many insurers will cover 8 bikes. No other company came close to this premium

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That is unbelievably excellent! Impressive. I am moving house now but once it is done I shall have to devote some serious time to finding a better solution.
Footman James only insure if garaged I think. I wonder if a sturdy timber framed outbuilding or lean-too qualifies?
Impressive line-up of bikes by the way. Which one is the go-to when you reach for the keys?

You are correct that Footman James only insure if garaged. Also I believe the garage has to be constructed from brick or concrete (best to double check with them regarding this) If you leave your bike on the drive & it’s stolen, the insurance is void they have to be in the garage overnight. I don’t tax all my bikes all the time. I put 2 on the road each month, SORN at the month end, then tax another 2, rotating them all. The older bikes (I think over 20 years old) have agreed values. Favourites are probably the Rosso Corsa & Griso, but TBH I enjoy them all

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I’m with Footman James myself and find them great. I have 6 older bikes and my 17 year old Honda CR-V car on one Flex policy for £450, living in sleepy Market Harborough. The bikes are garaged and the car lives on the road outside.
You also get a discount for being a member of the Guzzi Club GB.

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I’d been with Cornmarket via the IAM for years but last year and this year started to get really expensive so bit the bullet and tried Renewal from Cornmarket for my V100 and 1995 VFR750 - just under a grand. Via the comparison site through Aviva the MG was £370 and the VFR just £84! I’m mid-50s and that includes business use on the MG.

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I no longer am, but been for 12yrs FJ customer, and declared every year wooden shed - actually, a box body off the lorry, with shutter door. Never had any question about it, once explained.

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Thanks for sharing, encouraging, I will investigate.

Hi GB I am with Benetts for my California EV 1100 and it is £200 fully comp includes foreign travel but no pillion on insurance I am 68.

I have a footman James multi bike policy and don’t have a problem. I am however going to give the VMCC a go next year as ive heard they’re good too and they will also include a modern bike if you’re a member of the Moto Guzzi club. The VMCC are also happy for two friends ride each other old bikes fully comp if they both have VMCC policies. Hope you get sorted.

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I have a flex policy with Footman James, & no on else has been able to come close to their price
2016 VMax 1700
2001 VMax 1200
2005 MT01
2012 Griso 8V
2006 Coppa Italia
2003 Rosso Corsa
2003 V11 Sport
1999 V11 Sport

£470 for the lot


The site says you are a recent member DavidP. Welcome and thank you for replying to my thread! :sunglasses:

Single bike 2011 Stelvio NTX, garaged, full no claims bonus, compulsory £250 excess plus voluntary £250 excess, insured full comp with Motorcycle Direct for £95.78 for the year in March 2024. Underwritten by Avivia, I have yet to claim so not sure how good they are when the bad stuff hits the fan.

I have not found a good service for my three MG’s. I pay monthly and I’m at c£140 per month! Honestly I cannot fathom it but it ought to be simpler. About to order a shipping container and get back to Footman james!

does no pillion cover mean if you take a pillion YOU are personally liable for injury claims? Ok if your bike is a single seat cafe racer but a shame to never be able to share your bike time with a pillion…

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Yep I dreading my renewals coming in, Ive had a car stolen from the garage where it was in for repair which apparently means I claim on my insurance for the loss, Ive had a claim for a parked cars mirror which I knew nought about (apparently my van took it out), and now my 6mth old BMW (23kworth new) has been written off for a low speed prang whilst overtaking a car which then turned left across me (12k estimate to fix it). And now diagnosed a diabetic to boot! Notifiable condition to DVLA and ins. Annoying thing is the BMW has been estimated to need now forks and other parts which MAY be damaged but look fine. If you take these out of equation prob nearer 4k repair. On top of that my pillion can claim damages for broken wrist et. So the insurance industry is going to load me hugely now after twelve yrs of no claims too. Insurance industry is black or white, either your fault or its not. Can you believe the car theft goes down as a my fault claim! The mirror claim I was not contacted about, they just paid the £111! Its no wonder they put premiums up to ensure their profits stay good. I just hope I can insure my bikes again without paying huge premiums. four weeks since agreeing a sum now and no payout for the BMW

Hi Rosso. Sorry for all your woes mate. Life can be a B at times. I can help with two of your points. No pillion means no one on the back at all. You cannot cover them for insurance yourself. If you had an incident or even a police stop with a pillion and you didn’t have the cover then at the very least your insurance could withdraw your insurance cover. Then getting a new quote after a refusal makes the premiums even higher. The DVLA only require notification if you administer insulin. Type 2 or non insulin management doesn’t appear to be a requirement. Hope this helps and good luck with the diabetes. My wife has it and it is manageable with care. :+1:


cheers for reply useful info, and now my microsoft account been hacked and they into everything via the passwords and bits stored there! Still no payout but Ive started fixing the Beemer and bringing my Calli outa mothballs for two years . busy busy!