January meeting?

Hello all.

Is there a meeting on the 26th of January? If so, I’d like to try to come and say hello…

According to the website entry they are meeting at the Goat see here best to make contact before you depart to avoid disappointment :+1:

Thank you Chris. I am trying to make contact. I’ll try phoning tomorrow.
I like your profile pic btw. The eagle is an acceptable substitute for the seax, but only in this case. :wink:

Thank you, the middle of the three is a morph, part seax part eagle!

If you can’t get in touch with Alan and Laura, there are two phone numbers and an email address, then I would suggest that you try calling the pub.

Best wishes
Chris Cumbers
MGCGB Branch Liaison

Just texted with Alan, yes it’s on. Have fun Eddie.

Cheers Uki

Thank you. I should have said, I spoke to Alan during my dinner break.

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