We’ll be at the Wagon & Horses, Faversham Road, (top of Charing Hill) next Wednesday, 23rd August.
I’m aiming to be there by about 18:15-18:30.
Hope to see a few folks
We’ll be at the Wagon & Horses, Faversham Road, (top of Charing Hill) next Wednesday, 23rd August.
I’m aiming to be there by about 18:15-18:30.
Hope to see a few folks
Did you mean 23rd and not 30th? If so I can do next week.
Yes, I’m confused….
Normally it would indeed be the 30th, but I’ll be away, and Andrew will also be travelling, to or more likely from Mandello by then I guess.
I’ll be there next week the 23rd, everyone else welcome!
Well the intrepid Four made it to the meet. had a great Ploughmans and decent gossip. also found a Mandello mate a very smart S version.
Yeah, I should do better, I promise to bring the Guzzi next month…
Andrew, Buon viaggio!