le mans mk11 o rings top end rebuild

seasons greetings,
                 im in the middle of a top end rebuild on my mk11 lemans , i have had the cylinders honed  new rings :and new guides and valves in the head. im ready to rebuild but  this haynes manuel is not clear to me exactly where the o ring seals go, could one of you gents give me the position of these please :question:

                         kind regards russ

There are 6 small o’rings and six cylinder studs, 2 o’rings are fitted on the short studs ie 6 0’clock and 12 o’clock studs  between the cylinder base gasket and the cylinder, The other 4 are fitted between the rocker assembly and the head on the 4 long studs. All the o’rings are slid over the studs.
So in order of fitment, you first fit the base gasket then the 2 o’rings on the 2 short studs, then you fit the cylinder, then the head gasket, then the head, then other 4 o’rings on the long studs, then the rocker assembly. Hope this helps, cheers Chris.
p.s make sure you have all the gaskets fitted the right way remembering the oil way hole!.

nice one chris thats pretty much what i was looking for

                                             seasons greetings russ :smiley:

Just to confuse you Russ, this from Guzziology.

thanks for that reply,interesting, having opened yhe top end  gasket set from gutsibits i find the usual gaskets and 6 o rings and one large o ring so guzziology s way adds up to six. so six it is then gents?

                                                         regards russ

Sorry I was WRONG in my original post and have edited it, I’ve just checked my manual and there are 6 small o’rings in total, two of them are fitted on top of the base gasket on the two short studs and the other four o’rings are fitted as I said before, between the cylinder head and the rocker assembly. My apologies but it was a bit early when I wrote the post and I didn’t have my manual to hand, also it was about a year ago when I last did this job and obviously my memory wasn’t as good as I thought it was, regards chris
P.s the large o’ring is for the top stud caping/blanking screw that screws into the head.

Don’t think I’m some sort of know-all Chris, it’s several years since I’ve done this job, but I just thought I’d check with the ‘bible’! I’ve also read the bit in the Haynes manual and it does seem quite clear in that.
Take care when lowering the cylinder Russ, it’s so easy to catch the lowest point of the base gasket. I’ve had the dreaded oil leak myself after doing this job!

no problem chris,the man who never made a mistake never did anything,   i should know ive made a few.  still all is well i can get stuck in on the weekend. thanks for the input  russ

Hi Al, not at all, I was going to check my info when I got home but fortunately you beat me to it!, The lesson i’ve learnt is to check before posting!. could you tell the name of the book you got this info from as it is one that I will buy if its still available. many thanks Chris. :slight_smile:

Guzziology by Dave Richardson Chris.
Superb. You may find a copy on ebay, worth a search.

Guzziology is worth reading for Dave Richardson’s dry humour alone.

I might be stating the obvious but new O-rings must always be fitted on reassembly, because the old ones will have been destroyed by crushing and so cannot be reused.

Oh they can, but after a couple of thousand miles you get a very small and irritating leak.
I re ringed my Mk111 about 10 years ago.
On reassembly I found I only had 5 new rings per side so reused the 2 best of the old as I needed the bike next day.
3 months later I found the other 10 new rings that Mto Spezial had sent me in another bag.
Bike developed very minor oil leaks on both sides shortly after.
Never needed topping up but you know how anal I am about keeping my bikes pristine.

…I particularly like the flotation test for sparkington plugees…
and take a bow gents…who needs a bear… :wink:


How many have you had?