Look Out! Farmers at it again!

Just been for the filthiest drive this year. Almost every road covered in sticky and super-slippy mud!

How come only farmers don’t have to clean their vehicles or use field to field routes? Builders have to use wheel washes, or at least they used to.

Anyway. The clay mud around here is called “slip” and it is like ice. Not to mention the bike cleaning required afterwards.

Look out! :eyes:


They are doing it as a protest against the changes in inheritance tax, if you voted Labour at the general election, you only have yourself to blame! :wink: :rofl:


No politix please (club, national or other).

I am all for a quiet life… :zzz:


It seems no humour either :roll_eyes:

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Awwwww :interrobang:

What is the point of my being a grumpy old man if i’m not allowed to be grumpy?

shiny side up? (after a good hosing down) :shower:


I drove up to Leominster yesterday, the roads were covered in mud, but they had put signs out, the ancient Skoda went sideways a few times !!! and thats on nearly new all weather tyres
the dog keeps sniffing it now
might chuck a hose over it tommorow

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City and major road only riders won’t notice what rural back road riders experience. While farmers claim to be gardians of the countryside what they most often do is spread the countryside all over the lanes and minor roads. The huge and expensive tractors spread much more muck than the friendly little tractors of years ago. Farmers should be held to account for the damage they cause just like everyone else. Most farms are not owned by Farmer John , his wife and two sons. They are large concerns owned by shareholders far away.


Or in our case, the Crown (Duchy of Lancaster) or the Diocese of Lichfield. Tenants are mostly disinterested, with a few exceptions.

On the other hand the family owned farm opposite are rigorous and reliable. You can set your calendar by their activity throughout the year.


Well two riders made it into the Herford news by coming off their bikes on some of the worst roads we have seen. Problem is getting worse. more mud than ever this year.
yoiu would be advised to ride in the fields as they are less muddy than the roads.
No chance of seeing anyone make any attempt whatsover to clean the roads around here.

Increasing rainfall this year has made working the land very difficult to work . Without water supply and a pressure washer in every gateway there is no way of hosing down machinery wheels.


Agreed. Back roads are also service roads for the agricultural industry. Not for our pleasure.
A roads are a different story. When I used to work on farms we had to clean up as best we could if were were constantly running out of fields. Spud harvesting etc.


Yes, but they don’t pay any road tax on their humongous vehicles that wreck the road surfaces and leave them in a mess. I know – I am a farmer !