Maximum Weight for California 1100i

OK. So I have the kerb weight of my 1997 California 1100i.

Does anyone know the manufacturer-defined GVW? (Gross Vehicle Weight).

That will give me a handle on how much I should be loading it.

The user manual doesn’t make any mention of a maximum loading permitted.

Thanks. Nope; my documents don’t say anything either.

A Bennett’s BikeSocial article gives a few pointers. Suggests around 200kg payload at the most.

Should be on the VIN plate, but over the years mine has disappeared.

I will dig a bit more, but in the meantime 200kg means very little scope for luggage when 2 up in full winter kit.

@Don-Spada PS: By a stroke of luck I found a photo of my VIN Plate pre-powder coating. MAX 525kg, which with a dry weight of 255kg leaves 270kg for oil, fuel, passengers and luggage. Working hypothesis = 551lb = roughly 39 stone on top of kerb weight .

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