mg-h 2023 events (under development!)

Looking to build the mg-h 2023 events. Any suggestions for inclusion gratefully received. Hoping to publish in a month or two so fire your thoughts my way.

Presently pencilled in are:

  1. alt-Raduno #2. Hall provisionally booked for 1-3 Sept. Concern over cost escalation in hall charges (power cost increases!) has led me to consider alternative.

Also being considered are:
2) Scoping up a weekend in the very north of Scotland. This would be hotel based and relatively early in the summer - end of May/ beginning of June*. An “interesting” base for fine run outs around the north, west and east coasts of Caithness and Sutherland.

  • date range due to lower predation likelihood by the midge at this time.
  1. repeat of the Bowl of Skink run - proved popular.
  2. a run to the south east of the Cairngorms, possibly an overnight stop over - camping or B&B.
  3. some general day run outs in region.
  4. a mg-h presence at the massive Strathmore Transport Extravaganza at Glamis castle 8th/9th July. Camping is available depending on uptake / availabilty. Due to this being based around “marque” displays it’s Guzzi’s only!

Well done Gavin, I will try to support you, just make sure the weather and midge are dealt with

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Far north trip is attractive idea. I would come over for that if my calendar allows. I’m sure some others would do… If there’s room for visitors.
David / belfastguzzi, Co Down, NI

I need to do some checking on venue. Hoping to take a wander up in a week or two. Can’t seem to make sense of what I was told on a telephone call and their website.
Have other options / locales to check.
No issue with “spaces” it will be fcfs, however I’m wanting Guzzis. BM GS’s are banned. :innocent:

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