mg-h Glamis event.

Scottish Transport Extravaganza at Glamis

Getting near to the time to sort out who is playing next year.

Please >email me< the following info if you are definitely taking part to

  1. Names of those attending - both - if a couple.

  2. Type of Guzzi (has to be a Guzzi) with year of build and reg number

  3. Are you wishing to camp?

  4. Mobile and email address

  5. Will you pitch up on the Friday, Saturday or Sunday or all three.

Once I have this info, and the forms for 2024 entry are published we need to move smartish as we almost missed it last year.

I will take monies for the stand however this year I will ask you to organise the camp site yourselves. Note: A stand entry is a pre-requisite for camping.

2023 costs were £60 for the stand area for 10 bikes. After that it’s a tenner for additional machines. Camping for the weekend was £15. I have no idea if the costs will increase but it’s probable - most prices have.

Note also that it’s a field the camp site is on however there are many portaloos and some showers. Food is not available to buy on the Friday on site but during the day there are vendors Saturday and Sunday.

Its a rough camping field and they usually cut it a couple of days before so mowings get (almost) everywhere.

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