Anyone know how much these beasts are going to cost?
17.5k ish
I bet that thing is awesome…and bein a guzzi twill handle as well…the fairin designer clearly had a look at the products of the Wixom bros…tho the screen is much smaller…yep …I wouldnt mind a go…tho I have sat on one…heavin it up off the sidestand was an effort…but then I do suffer from ducks disease…
My test for motorcycles are the ziggy zaggy bends of the Bealach na Ba. Took the Audace there yesterday but had to reverse (yes, reverse) due to a stupid Teut running out of fuel on the final approach to the critical bits. The charming WPC said it would be a “challenge”. Anyway, the beast behaved impeccably which is more than I did as WW3 could have easily kicked off. Worth it though…
Ah, but Mad F, I am led to believe that the hairpins have been made easier over the last 10 years.
Fair play to you, how about doing it again with a Go-Pro so we can all enjoy it.
Re: Hairpins - maybe so - but they dont feel like it and an additional hazard of Leiths trucks doing the circuit widdershins. Presumably doing some work somewhere but the edges are dreadful. DONT go off the road or it will be like driving in one of those 'merikan levies until you fall off. The surface isn’t bad - sheep kack and loose gravel is at a minimum, well it was the day I did it. I see the Highland Classic Club have a run out there this weekend - details on the Highland branch section in due course.
So MF, I keep looking out for you with the “wide load” warning on the back
The Bealach has been a nightmare this year, the ridiculous NC500 has made it hellish busy, unfortunately nobody told most of them how to ride/drive single track roads
Blimey…it looks beautiful up there…
The weather looks set fair this week so I am going to don warm clothes and hit the streets of Kishorn and Kinlochewe. The west looks best once more. Will report back with piccies. Go Pro for Dunders too.
A dutch guy on the Audace (& now also Flying Fortress) FB group has just traded his Auddy in for a MGX21. Trying to lure him over to Scotland next year for bimble though the glens. will be interested to see how he gets on with it. Dont think he has told his missus yet on either count.
It is.