Can anyone help with an issue with the MG App for the V100 MIA connectivity please?
I wrote to MG customer services about this issue. They told me they couldn’t help with App issues that occur before the App links to the bike, so they gave me the contact details for the App team. I wrote to the App team weeks ago and they’ve not replied. Nor have they replied to my feedback (or anyone else’s) on the App Store.
The issue in a nutshell is that I load the App from the Apple App Store, sign in using my Apple ID, it then takes me to a page to give my personal details and consent to data use, which I duly give. I press the button to sign up and every time it replies “sorry, there was a problem. Try again later”. I’ve tried repeatedly, deleted and reinstalled the App, tried signing in using email rather than Apple ID, you name it, nothing so far has worked, so I can’t link the app to the bike as the app won’t even get started!
There may be a simple rookie mistake on my part here, like cookie settings or something. I know others have got their App working, so can anyone enlighten me on anything I may be doing wrong, or next steps if MG continue to ignore my emails?
This doesn’t fix your problem, but…
As manufacturers increasingly add these features to their machines, they’re going to have to wake up to the fact that they are as much a Part of the Product that the buyer paid for as, for example, the pads in the brakes, the rubber on the wheels (as purchased). To then fob the buyer off with “contact the app developers” is not dissimilar to suggesting that the buyer takes it up with Brembo if the brakes fail on the new machine. They surely, at the very least, have a responsibility to ensure that adequate ‘support’ is provided.
Just an opinion, of course. #NotAnExpertInConsumerLaw - good luck, hope you get it sorted soon.
I agree, however the app developers used a MG email address, so I suspect they’re an in-house team. I really don’t want to press any big red buttons, but I think there is a contract that if MG make customers pay extra for MIA connectivity then they should provide adequate support to ensure it works and to trouble shoot. However, like my previous manufacturer, they don’t seem to bother which is very disappointing.
It seems to me that PIA don’t really have this aspect of the MG bikes properly sorted at all. The dealer for my V100 explained how to download the App etc etc and then completely failed to explain that the bike doesn’t come with the connectivity as standard or even offer therefore to upgrade the system (as a cost option) to allow the app to connect to the bike. I’ve subsequently signed out of the app and deleted it.
I think you have found this out the less expensive way. I paid for having it added to mine, but the software freezes the moment I try to link the bike & 'phone to my helmet. I have wasted hours trying this in different orders, uninstalling and reinstalling, deleting and re-pairing, and, flattening the bike’s battery.
I will attempt to have it removed, and refunded, but I expect the stealership will have far more excuses why they can’t do that, than they will for how it’s not their responsibility to fix it, but someone else in the mysterious Piaggio “Organisation”.
It’s a pity that the majority of Guzzi riders are old gimmers like me - it would be great to have a few young, bright hackers on our side, to dig into the morass of iffy software that modern motorcycles depends upon. I would happily pay for the sort of results they could achieve.
Oh, well: back to the internet, to buy more maps 
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I’ve used the MIA box and app since i got the bike almost 3 years ago, almost every time i ride the bike, most recently today to work and back.
the app has got progressively worse over the last 5 updates but still works, however I’m using android not apple.
Hi, I’m interested in the V100 or new Stelvio but have no idea what this MIA does for £280 or there about, can someone enlighten me ?
The Guzzi brochures don’t really help but it looks like it just provides some arrows on the dash linked to your phones satnav, which a BeeLine would do better for less and work on other bikes.
i use the mia app and have had it from 2021 with my v85tt. the navigation app got worse about 4 updates ago with exits on roundabouts giving wrong icons, but has started to get fixed again in the most recent update. icons are fixed but there are some other annoying bugs, on the plus side it is being updated much more frequently now it is available for the new stelvio.
the main advantage of using it for navigation is i can keep the phone in my pocket, out of the rain and not visible/stealable off the handlebar mounting if in a city. also saves battery as the screen doesn’t need to be on, unless you want a full map display.
the navigation isn’t as good as tomtom etc but it does the job well enough most of the time, i do need to stop sometimes and swap to another app because here maps which it is using for navigation are not always as up to date or accurate as google or tomtom. you can use just the icons on dash, or leave the dash on normal view, there is a traditional map view on the phone app if you prefer that. searching for addresses needs a typed in location, you can’t just hold a point on the map and pick go there as you can with other apps.
i also use the mia for music and phone calls and comms to pillion. you can do all these things without a mia, but it’s handy having the controls available on the normal bike buttons wihout any add ons. incoming phone calls are displayed on the dash and you can accept/reject, change volume etc.
audio quality for comms via the bike isnt as clear as direct helmet to helmet, but it’s been good enough except in very noisy/windy conditions.
Hi Sid, thanks for the thorough explanation, I can see it being useful having the buttons on the bikes switchgear and nothing left on the bike to steal. Does the app have its own navigation or does it allow the use of google maps, waze etc., and does the bikes dash show a map view or is it solely direction indicators, like the original Beeline ?
Just had a test ride on the new Stelvio and the v85tt, loved the v85tt really comfortable and engaging ride, more of a traditional Guzzi feel to it than the Stelvio.
Cheers Richard
Hi Richard,
The bike will only use the moto guzzi navigation app which is based on here maps. it displays icons on the dash but a bit more info than a beeline as it shows next manoeuvre as well plus some info like distance to next turn, total time to destination, road names, and ofc you still have range remaining (fuel) and various other bike info shown at the same time. you can flip between this navigation screen and the normal dash using the right hand buttons on bike.
if you need a full map display, you can do this with the phone mounted on the bike, similar to google maps or tomtom phone navigation apps. not as detailed as those but still pretty good, and it does show more info in recent updates e.g. house numbers. you can search by postcode and also business names but again it isnt always as up to date as google.
earlier versions allowed you to maximise the map and remove the text box at bottom showing time and destination info. but this doesn’t work on recent updates (or at least i havent found how) so it’s map plus info box all the time.
they added gpx import but so far that is still a work in progress. .gpx files at least import now but they don’t display the correct route and show mostly as crow flies. i’ve tested the same .gpx files in the tomtom go ride app and they work fine in that, and its a free app.
if you buy a new bike you get 3 years free activation of the navigation feature. the app works without navigation for other features, e.g. the maintenance log, trip data, live dash view. renewal of the navigation is currently £26.49 for another 3 years.
mine runs out in august, i probably will renew it, because i use it fairly often, but it still needs improvement to be my only navigation app, i use tomtom go ride as a fall back.
Hi Sid, thank you so much for the info. I suspect this is one of those things which need to be tried to see how well it works. I don’t ever want to make or receive phone calls while riding, I don’t like the idea of the distraction and riding a bike is a nice escape from human contact. I currently use a Garmin XT and have an original Beeline, both of which get confused in Wales. The interface is awful on the Garmin but excellent on the Beeline, but the map view is useful on the Garmin especially in town. I’m old school and still require maps for route planning as you can see the whole picture. I have found you can export a route (gpx file) from the beeline and import it into the Garmin but the route info is too complicated for the garmin so it ignores a lot of the route and makes up its own. I hear the new Beeline is a great improvement. But both are transferrable from bike to bike.
Thanks again.
got some photos of phone mounted with navigation map + mia running, will send you a message with them
i should add you can use navigation app on any bike, without connecting to the bike it just wont connect and display the icons on the bike dash, it still works standalone as a normal map based satnav
Hi Sid,
Thanks for sending the photos, I definitely see and like the advantage of not having any extra attachments on the bike.