Missing first gear on Lodola 175

Weve just installed a new rebuilt engine I bought in my 175 Lodola after the previous one seized… (and yes I did remember to turn the oil on!) everything fine except we cant find first gear. We know its there somewhere but suspect by the way the gear indicator points in the only neutral we can find (between 2nd and 3rd) that something is miss aligned… The mechanic working on this hopes its something simple and we dont have to split the engine but lacks the correct information and tool(s) to re align it… I attach the appropriate page from manual showing we think the tool needed… can anyone offer any advice on this please … does the club have any specialised tools we could borrow?

Many thanks


Sorry, I have no idea on a Lodola, but the gear selector mechanism on my Stornello has to be assembled in a particular position or you don’t get all gears. It sounds like you (or your mechanic) need to study the manual.
If you look on page 314 in this manual, it shows assembling the gear cluster. Unfortunately the text is in Italian, so you will need to translate it. Maybe Bryan Peck’s article has some English text on this matter. I think you can get a copy if you are a paid up club member from Roger Shufflebottom.

Don, Thanks for this its very good of you… yes Roger is forwarding me the relevant information from Bryan also.
Best David

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