Molex connections

Hi all sorting out another bad connection in 5he wiring loom on my sp1000,the molex connectors are shot,just wondering about using alternatives ie plugs with spade connectors ect,I’m not worried about originality as long it does the job.

Molex are available, as are other alternatives. Vehicle Wiring Products is but one place that supplies, and where alternatives might be browsed.

Gutsibits stock Molex connectors.

Even cheaper on Ebay - but there are many sizes of Molex so you need to know which if you buy there

Roy, if you are not worried about originality i would highly recommend using ‘Superseal’ connectors.

Regards, Nik

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You can also get them direct from Molex click here but I am not sure what quantity you would have to buy!

I use an AMP fold over style crimp tool. Then either a plastic cover or heat shrink, which covers several mm up the insulation covering to provide a decent strong termination / connection.

Molex connectors are always exposed, but you can wrap them in loom cloth assembly tape. This is easily removed for dismantling occasionally, and certainly easier to remove than old insulation tape.

If you want a 100% waterproof multi pin connection then Bulgin Buccaneer are the best as they are of marine quality, but are a bit bulky for a bike.

My own bikes do not venture out in the rain, but for those of you who are not fair weather bikers then I do understand your problem as I too once was once a foul weather biker, but no longer (and not sadly I would add - that’s why I drive a Lexus !).