New member Bridgwater

High, new member here from Bridgwater riding a V85TT at the moment.

(You may have to bear with me a bit whilst I get used to this format.)

Hello Fletch and welcome to the forum!

Hi Peter,
Welcome to the Club and Forum.

I know this Forum is a bit different, but the system offers help or just ask here.
You can also have it as an App on your phone.

Cheers Uki

Thanks UKI and yes the layout is slightly different to the norm I’m used to but I’ll get use to it.

In my last full time job I often came into work on a Monday morning to find that the whole workshop was locked out as over the weekend the IT guys had worked on the system in the course of which all passwords were erased; 3 false attempts locked you out.

Once I got the system back up for everyone it was then the job of discovering what had been done and where the route to everything was, all good fun.

Thanks Chris, pleased to be here.

Hi fletch glad to meet you and welcome in , spring is just over the next hill.

Hello and thanks.

As for spring, some may be waiting for it but not me, I’m out all year round.