New member, first Guzzi

Hi All, I took delivery of my first Guzzi on Monday. V85TT travel, have had a couple of rides out between the showers. Really enjoying it so far, be even better once it’s run in! Anyway, first question, due to all the crap on the roads has anyone fitted the Guzzi front mudguard thing there advertising? And are they any good?
Cheers Wullie


Welcome Wullie

I fitted the low Caponord mudguard with a Pyramid extender, works as well as any modern mudguard. I do not intend to go off road so have removed the big beak.

Hi, thanks for the reply, I read somewhere that was an option. I’ll have to investigate if they fit the 2024 model.

I got one from china, £17 and seems fine. Not sure how much muck it keeps off tho

Thanks, I’ll have a look.

If you live close to someone here you could pop round and measure i’m in Bristol

That would be great but I’m in the north west, between Liverpool and Manchester.

That’s handy for the IOM ferry… :+1:
Welcome and enjoy ya bike, hopefully the seat will be more comfy than that metal bucket of yours :grin:

Aye, it is but the price of it​:face_with_hand_over_mouth: I normally fly, I have family on the Rock :clap:
As long as there’s not a hole in it, we should be good :muscle:t3::rofl::rofl::+1::motorcycle:

I fitted the Caponard mudguard and an extender. Works ok.

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Thanks for the reply. Is the 24 model front end the same? I’ll have to get the part number before I go to the dealer. They have only had Guzzi for a month! It could be an interesting conversation :thinking::rofl: Has anyone tried the half mud guard from Guzzi site? I don’t know if it’s new but it looks like it could be worth a try?

I have just fitted the half mudguard from the Strava, on my 2022 GDO. Only £30ish from a dealer and two week wait.

Normal impatient me, I’ve ordered the full mud guard for the bike.
I’ll see what it’s like when it arrives? Might take the high one off :thinking::face_with_peeking_eye::rofl: