Oil in thr oil filter

Hi all,

I am new here… finally after 14 years i am pissing my fiancee off about “i will buy a Moto Guzzi v7” i finally done it.

I have more bike included a 1980 moto guzzi v50 in italy…

Btw… on this v7 i was making some maintenence and once removed the air filter, i have found some nasty oil in the box…
i check and the engine oil seems way over…

I can’t add pic as i am new user…
oil inside the engine in clean, but too much…

My question is… what can cause the oil to be into the air filter?

I was thinking that the previous owner put too much oil in and went to the air box… or?!!

Love, peace and

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Hi Elwood, welcome to the forum. I’ve never owned a V7 but there are plenty of people on here who do. Someone will be along soon. :+1:

Engine oil breather pipe exhales into the airbox rather than spill it onto the road. Part of regular upkeep routine is to clean the airbox. Always a good idea to read the manuals and the part about how to check the oil level.


A bit is not unusual. Is the oil level correct? Which model V7 - on the later ones (850) there’s a plastic tube below the air filter box with a bung in the end, this is supposed to be checked and drained if necessary during a service.

Thanks, no, i think whoever check the bike before delivery put too much oil… which is my first though.
Tue oil level is above the flat part of the stick.

I hope you can see the pic in the link

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Yes that is a bit much!

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Measure the oil level with the bike upright and both wheels on the ground. I use a mirror because I can’t hold the bike upright and get down to see the sight glass. Only fill it to halfway between the upper and lower marks or it will find it’s way into the air box. I think (??) the only way the oil gets into the airbox is via the breather hose from the engine and that only happens when there is excess pressure in the engine cases. Two causes one is too much oil which reduces the air volume under the pistons or compression blow by past worn piston rings or cylinder bore . The latter is rare unless the engine is very worn or misused.

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+1 for using a mirror - my main issue with it is I have a sidecar in the way, you’d be amazed how difficult that makes getting a good line of sight on the level glass! (Has to be square on and no reflections, and in focus!)

yes, ive done that already and it’s way too much… it’s seems they put at least half litre extra… I will take some off and test… so far i have dried out the oil in the box, and after 300+miles done in mix road, all went well, box is still dry


I think first time I put in too much, 2 litres I think, it’s actually 1.8, had to suck some out with a syringe. Think that’s what I used.

The oil capacity is not a lot! :astonished: Ergo I tend to want to change it more often than 10,000 km. Say 3 - 4k.

The V7s don’t like to be filled more than about halfway between the min/max marks or else the crankcase will be pressurised and blow any excess into the air box as it’s meant to. To find some oil in there, especially after a service done by a dealer, is not uncommon as they tend to fill it to the maximum mark.

As others have said, even the manual calls for you to check and clean out any oil in there at each service and in the 850, there are actually two drain tubes with clear plastic ‘condoms’ to enable you to see if there is any present. If so, remove them and clean them out as well as checking the air box. If you keep the level halfway, then you shouldn’t have any issues.

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