We’re assuming Open House 2025 in Mandello will be 12th to 14th September. Does anyone know for sure?
In the absence of ‘official’ confirmation of the Open House 2025 dates we’ve taken a flyer and booked two nights at B&B Le Ortensie - Lago di Como, Via Roma 180, 23827 Lierna.
It’s 4 miles north of Mandello on the shores of the lake and has private parking.
At this time of writing they had one room left (on Booking.com) for Friday 12th and Saturday 13th.
For those like me who’ve not made it there …yet, what is usually on offer during the event.?
I do hope to take my V7 for a wobble back to its birthplace sometime next year.
See Moto Guzzi Raduno "Open House" in Mandello 2024*** | Moto Guzzi Club GB
This describes what takes place over the weekend in Mandello.
As below, it appears the dates for the 2025 event won’t be officially confirmed until the end of January. Not very helpful if you’re planning a tour around Europe based on which weekend you need to be in Mandello.
Looks like you got it right Chris, Thurs 11 - Sun 14th Sept is showing on the website now.
Any recommendations on ‘must ride’ routes on the way/nearby, routes to avoid, places to visit, areas to stay, hotels, campsites, bars… any/all info appreciated.
For me I’d hope to travel there over three days, then ‘wander back’.
So a ride down from N.Lincs to Folkestone, over via the Chunnel, stop the first night Arras maybe, then on towards Geneva. I stopped in a place called Epinal t’other year, pleasant enough, then on to Mandello.
Likely 350 ish miles/day, but happy to do that at a pleasant pace taking time for lunch etc.
Poss return via the Route de Grand Alps/Route Napoleon.
Anyone been on the road from Turin towards Briancon, the A55 / SP23R via Gran Truc.?
That looks an interesting route.
Thanks for that. The general consensus seems to be that it’s that weekend, but there’s still no ‘official’ confirmation at this time of writing. We will wait another week or so to plan the rest of our tour, we don’t want to start amending everything.
Still no firm news regarding the dates. As reported in Mandello: pronta la nuova casa della Moto Guzzi - Cronaca, Mandello del Lario on the 7th February, Google translation:
Riccardo Fasoli, mayor of Mandello and Guzzi fan: the works for the new Moto Guzzi factory will be delivered in a few days.
«The goal has been achieved. On Monday they should start producing a series of V7s and then stop and return to operation in March. Truly a great result: we all worked towards this result».
Did you think the 2025 deadline would be met?
«We made a variant of the territorial government plan almost exclusively for this intervention. The company worked very hard because apart from the day of August 15th they worked practically every day. There was also great synergy with the local companies for all the needs that this construction site could have».
Have you had the chance to see the new factory?
«Due to - or fortunately, depending on your point of view - there was a technical problem and we went in to see the factory. Everything has changed a bit: it will be a cutting-edge factory both for those who go to see it and especially for those who will work there».
As for the market numbers in January 2025 and Moto Guzzi sold 235 V7s
“It is certainly a positive figure also because January is typically a not so easy month for motorcycles. We must also add the variable of the new environmental regulations“.
This year the motorcycle rally will be more important: will it be possible to enter and visit the new factory?
“It will be a bit to be verified because, as mentioned, the production part will be delivered right in these days. Then there are all the interventions for the new canteen, the new auditorium, the new offices that should be finished by the end of the year. Probably in 2026 instead we will see the end of the construction site for the whole part intended for Guzzisti: therefore the new museum, the restaurant and all these activities that are more linked to the Moto Guzzi passion rather than to production. This will also be a somewhat particular summer due to the interventions that will be carried out on our railway line in view of the Olympics. We will certainly organize something: in any case we will start with the engine start-up event scheduled for the month of March”.
Ive been several times, its huge! Test rides on factory bikes, lots of bars, pop up food of all sorts, tents everywhere on every scrap of grass! factory tours, the museum, live music on the stage, its just mad! The ride there is of course part of the adventure, often club branches organise a ride there as a group,
Chris is there a specific forum for 2025 Mandello trip?
My first Guzzi club trip was to Mandello in 2002, been a few times since but maybe its time to go again…Bob Smith, Pete Brocklehurst and others…thankyou for the club intro all those years ago.
Not sure, I’ve not searched for one.
Sounds like a ‘must see’ event… I’ve a few other trips in the pipeline, TT, Manx, NC500, Ypres, Le Tour, Greece… but hopefully I’ll get over there soon
It is worth a visit just for the factory museum, but if you throw in getting there via an Alpine pass or two (last time I went over the Stelvio Pass on my Stelvio) and go there when the whole town is having a party, I would say it is a must do trip!