Poor gearchange

I am new to Guzzis , being a Lambretta rider for many years.
i have bought a lovely 2008 750 Nevada classic , only 4000 miles , off Guzzi Club member
The only problem i am having is the gear change , it seems a bit hit and miss. I can put up with stopping and have to search for the 1 neutral; ( out of 4) that puts the green light on. But pulling the clutch in kicking the gear lever up, releasing the clutch and finding i am still in the same gear is annoying and dangerous.
Can someone give me some pointers at what to look at first.
I realise i have bought a bike with soul and its a bit quirky, but if i can solve this issue i will have what is for me, the perfect bike-
Are they all the same?

I have not generally had problems selecting neutral at standstill. I would advise to initially check over the linkage to make sure it’s all nice with no sloppy joints etc, and also check the clutch adjustment.

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good advice from @ranton_rambler there - absolutely worth following through - the linkages can all too readily get gunged up and/or sloppy. from your description, it also sounds possible that you might benefit ftom adjusting the change lever to suit your boot. examining and cleaning around that area should quickly reveal what adjustments are available to you.

as a general rule, Moto Guzzi boxes respond to a positive foot: they tend not to snick in with gentle toe pressure.

one other consideration: 4000 miles, 2008? how fresh is the gearbox oil? won’t hurt to change it - then you’ll -know- it is fresh (and the right amount)


On my V50 II I suspect that the neutral switch plunger may be a little sticky as the light does not always illuminate. I did find that when I bought some new motorcycle boots that I had to adjust the gear lever position to allow my foot to get under the gear lever.

Difficulty finding neutral when at a standstill is generally a sign of clutch drag. Make sure everything is adjusted correctly. Another tip is to pop it into neutral before you stop. I always do this on my Bonneville as the clutch is awful on that.

Where are you based, Duffy?