Rear Lowering 25 MM Moto Guzzi V85 Tt

Rear Lowering 25 MM Compatible With Moto Guzzi V85 Tt With ABE | eBay text**

Is this suitable for lowering?

Has anyone tried this item?

You’ll possibly have issues with the side and/or mainstand

Fitted rear lowering ring for 25mm and lowered front by 16 mm

Side stand cut and welded 25 mm shorter.

Can almost flat foot with my 5ft 7in

I just fitted a Hyperpro spring that lowered the bike about 20mm and also dropped front forks by similar amount to keep alignment. I did not have to shorten sidestand as it still gives a fair amount of lean.
Putting it on the centre stand is unchanged.

I would say that it has transformed the bike from a riding perspective and I find it easier to move around. Have had it 5 years so wish I had done the change earlier.

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Additionally had the seat remodelled with softer memory foam. The front corners are lower and softer so I have in effect a lower seat. Done by Sussex Motorcycles cost £150.

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