Rear master cylinder re-build.

Can anyone give me a quick lesson on how to remove piston, etc.

Bit the bullet. Used old drill bit and gave it a gentle smack with a hammer and the piston gave itself up. All in the ultra sonic cleaner as I speak :innocent:

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JUST-BE-CONCIOUS what goes out and WHAT WAY, as some “washers” are concaved and will not let pump work if fitted other way. In general: easy job, just for peace of mind please notice how far piston sticks out as it needs to stick out the very same amount, if U know what I mean. To start, fit the pump into vice, put a drill bit onto threaded part, one sharp tap with a hammer and everything is out. Once body has been emptied, see the holes:
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I have never bought any service kit, just clean and same stuff back in, and it works!

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Hmm. It appears there’s a washer from missing in mine, having pulled piston out and comparing to pic of kit from Gutsibits. Can you tell me which washers go where and which way round please. I take it I have to pry the inlet pipe out to clean out both holes as I can only see one from looking down the bore.
Thanks for the info.
Neil :+1:


Well, I don’t remember! That’s why I make plenty of pics when fiddling…:slight_smile:

is this how it goes together? The washer isn’t concave.

Hi, Looking at my manual I seems that there is a tool to stop the floater in the bore.
Is this the case?

It is a case of pushing the collar down into the recess. Some say you can use a piece of copper pipe, it didn’t work for me. There is a very thin gap between the outer of the piston and the internal of the body. I ended up using some very thin screwdivers to push the collar in whilst holding the piston down against the spring. If you get it the wrong way round, it doesn’t grip, it just pops back out so try again the other way around.
The Brembo instructions are not at all clear on how to assemble the collar.

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Thank you. I do have a concave washer that was on the old one so may use this. I’m presuming the dished side should face the open end?

I’ve never had much luck reusing an old retaining ring, I think they deform slightly when you push it out but worth a try. What’s wrong with the one that came with the new kit?

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Well I’ll have a go with the new one.

Doesn’t seem to be the most secure way of retaining the “floater” but I did manage it with a little enginuity :thinking:


The thing with dished washer is, when you fit it wrong way, piston’s seal don’t go past first hole in pump’s body

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