My rectifier recently went up in smoke. I have replaced it but but whilst there is power to the lights there is no power to the starter/fuel pump etc. I have assumed at the moment that the fuse may have gone however is it possible that the alternator needs checked for health before I go replacing fuses and if so how do I do that? Happy to buy the reader etc and happy to learn but struggle with tech-chat or jargon so plain language limited to colour of wires would be greatly appreciated. If that is possible? I literally know nothing.
hi, i think some calis have an issue with power to starter etc being cut off if certain warning bulbs in dash are blown. I’ve read this in the forum somewhere.
also the generator ring can become demagnetised and may need connected up to a power source to remagnetise it, info in this is probably also in forums, this causes it not to charge though rather than no power from battery.
i replaced the generator and reg/rec at the same time to ensure mine was going again as it was failing to charge
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