Replacing rear shocks on V7 classic

Have bought a set of HAgon rears to replace the stock items.
The top of each shock sits behind the grab rail fixings which are bolted in place through the top of the shock.
When undoing the bolt with Allen key initially moved ok then gradually got really stiff and could hardly move.
So I stopped and re fixed everything again.
Has anyone done this previously ?Not sure to except more pressure or if there is something else I should have done.THe bike is only on side stand but the shocks appear not to be being held by the bolts but by lugs on frame.

Try and get some penetrating fluid (WD40 or whatever) into the threads and then try and gently turn the bolt back and forth to try and work the fluid in. Hopefully it will free off by moving it. Can you get any heat onto the frame lugs? I use an electric hot air gun.
Is the grab rail stopping the bolt unscrewing?
Don’t just keep trying to wind the bolt out or it could easily shear off in the lug.
When reassembling, smear the threads with some coppaslip and consider replacing the bolts with stainless. Easily and cheaply bought from ebay if you can measure the diameter, length and thread pitch.

Will give we wd40 a go but they appear not to be corroded.
They started to move fairly easily and then got stiff after a couple of turns.
May be something to do with rail but did release rear bolts and could pivot up and down easily.

Workshop manual says “Undo and remove the upper screw.”

Page 101 of pdf …
V7 Classic workshop manal

(Addendum) either it’s seized up or someone has put Loctite on them(?).

Too much force can round out the Allen key hole then you’re in a world of aggro, guess how I know. (Had to drill heads off and remove studs with mole grips.)

Thanks for the help
The tightening and loosening with penetrating oil worked.
After a little more pulling and lifting got the new shocks on.
They look great and am looking forward to the first ride to see the difference.


Great result. It’s always worrying when a bolt goes tight like that when trying to undo it and brings fears of trying to remove a broken sheared off bolt from inside a frame lug.
I have Hagons on my T140 Bonneville and really like them.

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Hi Chris. I’ve got Hagon 2820 rear shocks on my 2022 V7 850. Are your ones also 2820 or did you go for Nitros? I’m still playing around with the rebound adjuster screw to try and find the sweet spot but the shocks definitely feel better than the original MG ones. Let me know how you get on with setting yours up.

My 2010 V7 Classic came with Hagons fitted, for my backside they feel blummin solid, especially when riding with a pillion where they got bounced off the seat and pegs.
Not tried the originals as a comparison but gotta say, after the plush feel of my Vstrom it’s like getting on a bone shaker when riding anything other than smooth tarmac (anyone seen any of that lately.?).
I’ve played with the preload and damping briefly, but not noticed much difference, I’d be interested in hearing whether you feel they’re an improvement.

I went for Nitros.
I had a chat with Dave at Hagon, and he has set the shocks at the correct weight for me.
There is 75kg of adjustment on the unit for a passenger, but as my son is 85 kg will need to see how this works.
I could have had a higher weight limit set but this would have been really hard for a single rider.
Will need to try over the next few weeks and the rebound can be adjusted if needed.